Ninereeds LFO

By Steve Horne, 21 May 2000

This generator outputs a signal made up of a DC component and a number of low frequency signals.

The Ninereeds LFO is intended to control other machines, perhaps using AuxBus. Good examples would include vibrato or tremelo effects using a Ninereeds NRS04 or NRS05, or simply using a Jeskola Multipier as a kind of enveloper.

I hope to write some filters soon which can use an external LFO via AuxBus to control the cutoff and/or resonance.


21 May 2000
First release? - some work to do yet, I think.

Global Parameters

The global parameters are...

DC Fade Speed
Sets the rate of change in the DC offset, as a half-life in ms.
DC Level Initialise
Immediately sets a specific value for the DC offset.
DC Level Target
Sets a new target value for the DC offset - the time taken to reach this value depends on the fade speed.

Track Parameters

The track parameters are...

Sets the waveform of the LFO. Normally this will be left at 01 for a sine wave.
Frq Fade Speed
Sets the rate of change of the frequency of the LFO, as a half-life in ms.
Frq Initialise
Immediately sets a specific frequency for the LFO.
Frq Target
Sets a new target frequency for the LFO.
AC Fade Speed
Sets the rate of change in the amplitude of the LFO.
AC Level Initialise
Immediately sets a specific value for the amplitude of the LFO.
AC Level Target
Sets a new target value for the amplitude of the LFO.


This machine does not have any attributes.

Edit Dialog

To access the edit dialog, go to the Machine Editor screen in Buzz, right click on the appropriate machine and select 'Edit Ninereeds LFO' on the context menu.

Broadcast Commands Accepted

The following fixed broadcast commands are understood by this machine...


If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail them to